This study offers an in depth analysis of the influence of Samuel Beckett on Ahmad’s works with focus on their dissimilitude as well as similitude. These two are extraordinary playwrights of Absurd Theatre; one from the West and the other from the East. So, a meticulous survey on their works unfolds trajectories of convergence. Conversely, despite the fact that Ahmad often takes his model in writing from Beckett, one can easily detect the various points of difference in their plays. Regardless of the projection of the same messages about human condition in the world, their techniques and their way of expression tend to differ in some ways. This is a narrative research that follows descriptive-cum analytical method. The textual references are given as evidence to support the argument of this study. This paper explores and shows how the Absurd plays of Beckett and those of Ahmad manage, in their own individual ways, to make us see the world differently and reflect upon our lives.