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Effects of Organic Manures on Growth and Yield of Cabbage

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dc.contributor.author Haque, SMR
dc.contributor.author Mondal, MF
dc.contributor.author Hassan, MK
dc.contributor.author Islam, MN
dc.contributor.author Hoque, MM
dc.contributor.author Ahamed, S
dc.contributor.author Bir, MSH
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-24T04:36:14Z
dc.date.available 2025-01-24T04:36:14Z
dc.date.issued 2022-06
dc.identifier.issn 2708-5694
dc.description Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) is a popular green leafy vegetable of the family Brassicaceae. It is an herbaceous, biennial, dicotyledonous flowering plant distinguished by a short stem crowned with a mass of leaves, typically green but in some varieties red or purple, which while immature form a characteristic compact, globular cluster (cabbage head). Cabbage is a great source of vitamin C, with a moisture content of 60.6%. It also contains vitamin B complex, potassium, and calcium (Haque KMF, 2006). Cabbage ranks second in terms of production and area among all vegetables grown in Bangladesh. It is grown on an 18 thousand hectares area with a total production of 312 thousand tons (BBS, 2017), but the yield is poor. The reasons for such low cabbage production are due to a lack of use of modern technologies, such as judicious fertilizer application and proper cultural management practises. This low cabbage yield could be increased by adopting improved production practices. Crop production costs are relatively similar when organic and inorganic fertilizers are used (Haque, 2000). Cowdung, compost, poultry manure, and MOC are all available in our country and are excellent providers of various nutrients. The use of organic fertilisers improves the organic matter status of the soil. Again, just a few studies on the influence of cowdung, compost, chicken manure, MOC, and in combination with NPK fertilisers on cabbage growth and yield were reported in Bangladesh. As a result, the current study was designed to assess the impacts of organic manures on cabbage growth and yield. Materials and Methods The experiment was carried out at the Horticultural Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh, Bangladesh, from October 2017 to March 2018 to investigate Haque et al., 2022 J. Agric. Food Environ. 3(2): 45-49, 2022 46 the effect of organic manure on cabbage growth and yield. The selected area was a medium high land under AEZ-9. The soil texture of the area was silty loam belonging to the Old Brahmaputra Flood Plain (UNDP, 2011). The pH of the soil is 6.85, and it contains limited organic matter. Atlas 70 was the cabbage variety chosen for the experiment. The seedlings of cabbage were raised at the Horticulture Farm of the Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. On October 19, 2017, 10gm of seeds were mixed with soil and sown in a seed bed. The seeds were then gently covered with light soil and compacted. Weeding and irrigation were done as needed when germination was complete. The trial included the following treatments: T0 = Control, T1 = NPK (at 100, 15, and 20 kg/ha, respectively (BARC, 2012). T2 = 8 t/ha cowdung T3=5 t/ha cowdung + 2.5 t/ha compost T4 = 4 t/ha cowdung + 1.5 t/ha compost + 1 t/ha mustard oil cake T5 = 2 t/ha cowdung + 2.5 t/ha compost + 0.25 t/ha mustard oil cake + 1.8 t/ha poultry manure The single factor experiment used randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. A total area of 113.4 m2 (12.6m9m) was divided into three equal replication blocks, each with six plots. As a result, the total number of unit plots was 18. Each plot measured 2.0 m 1.6 m. The experiment's treatment combinations were randomized at random to six plots, each with three replications. The remaining space between two plots was 50 cm, while the gap between blocks was 100 cm. Healthy and uniform sized 22 days-old seedlings were transplanted in the Experimental plots on 17th November, 2017. Intercultural operations were carried out when needed. The following parameters were measured: Plant height, number of leaves per plant, fresh weight of loose leaf, fresh weight of roots, number of roots per plant, diameter of head, thickness of head, weight of marketable head, number of folded leaf per plant, number of folded leaf per plant, days required for head formation, percentage of head formation, days required for head maturity, gross yield per plot, marketable yield per plot, gross yield per hectare, marketable yield per hectare, dry matter content. Results Plant height Plant height trends at different DAT have been shown. The influence of different organic manures caused a considerable variation in plant height, which was statistically significant at different DAT. At 70 DAT, the highest plant (26.01 cm) was found in the T5 treatment (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure 1.8 t/ha), while the shortest plant (21.76 cm) was found in the T0 treatment (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure (control). Fig.1. Effects of different organic manures on plant height of cabbage at different days after transplanting. (T0 = Control, T1 = NPK (recommended dose), T2 = Cowdung @ 8 t/ha, T3 = Cowdung @ 5 t/ha + compost @ 2.5 t/ha, T4 = Cowdung @ 4 t/ha + compost @ 1.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 1 t/ha, T5= cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha +poultry manure 1.8 t /ha. Vertical bar represents LSD at 1% level of probability.) Number of leaves per plant Plant height trends at different DATs have been shown in Fig. 2. Due to the influence of different organics, a significant difference in plant height was observed that was statistically significant at different DATs. At 70 DAT, the plants treated with T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure 1.8 t/ha) had the highest number of leaves per plant (17.60), whereas the plants treated with T0 (control) had the lowest number of leaves per plant (14.23). Fresh wt. of loose leaf The effects of different organic manures on fresh weight of loose leaf were significant (Table-1). The plants grown under T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure 1.8 t/ha) had the highest fresh wt. of loose leaf (0.601 kg), however the plants grown under T0 (control) had the lowest fresh wt. of loose leaf (0.362 kg). Number of lateral roots Because of the influence of different organic manures and fertilisers, a significant variation in the length of roots was observed, which was found to have statistically significant (Table-1). The plants treated with T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure 1.8 t/ha) had the highest number lateral roots (17.00), while the plants treated with T0 (control) had the lowest number (11.33). Diameter of head Different organic manures and fertilisers had a significant effect on head diameter (Table-1). The plants with the largest diameter of head (15.83 cm) were grown with T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure 1.8 t/ha), while the plants with the smallest diameter of head (12.47 cm) were grown with T0 (control). Thickness of head It would appear that the various organic manures and fertilisers had a significant effect on the thickness of the head (Table-1). The T5 treatment (cowdung at 2 t/ha, compost at 2.5 t/ha, mustard oil cake at 0.25 t/ha, and poultry manure at 1.8 t/ha) showed the highest thickness of head (10.10 cm), whereas the T0 treatment (control) gave the lowest thickness of head (8.57 cm). Fresh weight of head/plant The highest fresh weight of head (1.10 kg) was found in plants grown with T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/ha+ compost @ 2.5 t/ha + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/ha + poultry manure 1.8 t/ha), while the lowest fresh weight of head (8.57 cm) was found in plants grown with T0 (control), and this difference was statistically significant. en_US
dc.description.abstract An investigation was made on growth and yield performance of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) under different organic manures and fertilizers at the Horticulture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from October 2017 to March 2018 to investigate the effect of organic manures on the growth and yield of cabbage. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Result of the experiment revealed that the different combinations of organic manure significantly influenced all the parameters studied. Maximum marketable yield per hectare (55.5 ton) was obtained when T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/hectare + compost @ 2.5 t/hectare + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/hectare + poultry manure 1.8 t /hectare) was applied, while the lowest was obtained from the control treatment. So T5 (cowdung @ 2 t/hectare + compost @ 2.5 t/hectare + mustard oil cake @ 0.25 t/hectare + poultry manure 1.8 t /hectare) was found suitable for growth and yield of cabbage. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment (JAFE) en_US
dc.subject Cabbage en_US
dc.subject organic manure en_US
dc.subject fertilizer en_US
dc.subject growth en_US
dc.subject yield en_US
dc.title Effects of Organic Manures on Growth and Yield of Cabbage en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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