Currently poultry sector is one of the most promising sectors for Bangladesh.
This sector can provide various opportunities to increase our national GDP. Ma jor concerns of the study were focusing on the entire problems of the poultry
sector. Data were collected from 19 reputed layer farms owner and 48 egg trad ers located in two Upazila at Mymensingh district. In this study, some problems
were considering such as major marketing problems were economic problems,
lack of information system, improper supply of medicine and vaccines, lack of
adequate and suitable transportation system and price instability. The study also
evaluates some specific measures to minimize the existing problems in the poul try sector and they are as government interfere in capital, providing right infor mation of layer farming system, provision of adequate supply of medicine and
veterinary services, development of transportation system, price stability by
market monitoring. Combined with helpful government policies like extension
of subsidies to layer farm owners will help Bangladesh to play a significant role
in layer products trade besides meeting the ever increasing domestic demand.
Results suggested that to increase layer production and develop the layer indus try, the government as well as other private integrators can take initiatives to es tablish an effective and well organized layer farming system in Bangladesh. The
study also provides useful information to the researchers for further research in
this area.
© Society of Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE)
The poultry sector continues to grow and industrialize in
many parts of the world. An increasing population, greater
purchasing power and urbanization have been strong drivers
of growth. The poultry sub-sector is an important avenue in
fostering agricultural growth and reduce malnutrition for the
people in Bangladesh (Silva and Rankin, 2014). It is an inte gral part of farming system in Bangladesh and has created di rect, indirect employment opportunity including support ser vices for about 6 million people (Ansarey, 2012). This sub sector has proved as an attractive economic activity, thereby,
indicating its` importance for the entire economy. The sector
accounts for 14% of the total value of livestock output and is
growing rapidly (Raihan and Mahmud, 2008).
Poultry production associated with poultry related industry
contributes 20.65% of the total livestock contribution (Khan
and Roy, 2006). Poultry meat and eggs available in Bangladesh.
The poultry sector continues to grow and industrialize in
many parts of the world. An increasing population, greater
purchasing power and urbanization have been strong drivers
of growth. The poultry sub-sector is an important avenue in
fostering agricultural growth and reduce malnutrition for the
people in Bangladesh (Silva and Rankin, 2014). It is an inte gral part of farming system in Bangladesh and has created di rect, indirect employment opportunity including support ser vices for about 6 million people (Ansarey, 2012). This sub sector has proved as an attractive economic activity, thereby,
indicating its` importance for the entire economy. The sector
accounts for 14% of the total value of livestock output and is
growing rapidly (Raihan and Mahmud, 2008).
Poultry production associated with poultry related industry
contributes 20.65% of the total livestock contribution (Khan
and Roy, 2006). Poultry meat and eggs available in Bangla desh are mostly originated from locally grown backyard
poultry and also from small and large scale poultry enter prises. Meeting the domestic demand for meat and eggs
through importation is very rare and sporadic (Anas, 2015).
Poultry meet up the demand of about 22-27% of the total an imal protein supply in the country (Prabakaran, 2003). It is
stated that in Asia, poultry manure is used as feed for fish
where poultry are raised on top of the ponds as part of an in tegrated system for example, fish-cum-duck farming (FAO,
2014). Development of poultry has generated considerable
employment through the production and marketing of poul try and poultry products in Bangladesh (Silva and Rankin,
Besides, on the poultry side there is also large dearth in the
availability of eggs (SFYP, 2015). The current production of
these commodities needs to be increased at least 2 times by
the year 2021 to feed the growing population in the country.
Ami et al., 2020
J. Agric. Food Environ. 1(2): 16-22, 2020 17
This illustrates how urgent is the need to increase the produc tion of milk, meat and eggs (SFYP, 2015). The demand for
poultry and livestock products, in general has been increased
significantly that leads most to poultry-related development
interventions promoting intensification of traditional poultry
systems (FAO, 2009). In recent years, the poultry sector in
Bangladesh has gained sufficiency against the current market
demand (Raha, 2013), but not against the standard nutritional
requirement (DLS, 2016). Under these circumstances to meet
up the deficiency of meat and egg, the government and pri vate organizations should put efforts together to enhance the
present meat and egg production status.
The government is getting interested in this sector and is en couraging both urban and rural people to work here and en hance capacity. People in rural areas are getting attracted to
this sector and taking it up as a business (Ansarey, 2012).
Besides government, there are many private enterprises, like
Aftab Poultry, Aman Poultry, Bangladesh Rural Advance ment Committee (BRAC), C.P. (Bangladesh) Co., Ltd., Kazi
Poultry, Nourish Poultry, Paragon Poultry etc. are working
for poultry and poultry products development in the country.
Moreover, good management practices should improve for
the development of poultry industry. Experiences from South
Asian countries show that adoption of good practices of
poultry management can significantly contribute to an im provement of farm owner’s livelihoods (Pica-Ciamarra and
Dhawan, 2010).
Despite the poultry sector, especially egg is an important part
of our national economy; presently there are some studies
that investigate the status of egg production and the role of
private sector for its development in Bangladesh. In order to
establish future plan for the poultry development in the country, it is essential to know details about the current activities
and solve the problems related to poultry production and
marketing in the country. The aim of this study is to identi fy the major problems faced by the selected layer farm owner
and egg traders and to recommend measures for these prob lems so that the layer farm owners and egg traders can get
better economic return from production and egg trading
which will enable to explore the potentialities of this sub sector.